"Krestovaya Gora is not far from us…": ghostly serenity in the open letters of 1917 M. A.
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"Krestovaya Gora is not far from us…": ghostly serenity in the open letters of 1917 M. A.

A selection of postcards from 1917 made it possible to explore the mood of ordinary Russian citizens during this turning point for the country. Openletters from the wounded from hospitals, the letter a famous Simbirsk writer from the frontline zone, an amorous message from Moscow to Odessa –everything is imbued with love and the desire to meet family and friends soon. The inner world of ordinary people, eyewitnesses of alarming events,remains closed from external shocks.

About authors
M. A. Novikov
Affiliation: Russian Geographical Society, Murmansk Branch
Affiliation: Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography, Polar Branch
Address: Murmansk, Russia
M. N. Kharlamova
Affiliation: Murmansk Arctic State University
Address: Murmansk, Russia

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