Emotion dysregulation in self-injurious behavour
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Emotion dysregulation in self-injurious behavour

We present an analytic review of the theoretical and clinical models, methods, and directions of diagnostic and empirical research of emotion dysregulation in self-injurious behavior (SIB). We consider various aspects of emotion dysregulation in SIB: lack of knowledge about regulatory strategies/lack of skill in using them, avoidance and suppression as preferred regulatory strategies, heightened emotional reactivity and intensity, prevailing negative emotions. These and other factors of emotion dysregulation are verified in empiric studies conducted along several directions: studies of emotion dynamics impairment, verification of empirical or clinical models of emotion dysregulation, and psychophysiological research. We note a large variety of methods that operationalize emotion dysregulation: self-report scales, emotion induction, ecological momentary assessment, clinical observation and interviewing. We conclude by stating the necessity of studying the interpersonal context of emotion dysregulation in SIB.

Об авторах
Natalia Polskaya
Associate Professor
Moscow State University of Psychology and Education (MSUPE)
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

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