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Geochemical features of organo-accumulative (Eutric Regosols (Laomic, Ochric), Cambic SomericPhaeozems (Loamic)) soils widely distributed in the soil cover of the subtaiga and subtaiga-forest-steppelight coniferous forests forming the lower boundary of the forest belt in the mountain structures ofNorthern Mongolia are considered. Data on the microelement composition of soil-forming rocks aregiven. It was found that the paragenetic association of trace elements in them is represented by Pb, Cu,Zn, Co, V, Cr, Ni, Mn, Mo, Ba, Sr, Zr and B. It was found that, compared with the average contentin the lithosphere within the subtaiga and subtaiga-forest-steppe forest-growing belt, the residual andre-deposited weathering crusts of igneous rocks are enriched with Zn, Cr, Mo, B, at the same timethey contain less Pb, Co, Mn, Ba, Sr, Zr. The residual and re-deposited weathering crusts of carbonaterocks are enriched with Pb, Cu, Zn, V, Cr, Sr, B, they contain little Co, Ni, Mn, Mo, Ba, Zr. Data onthe morphological structure of soils, their physico-chemical and chemical properties, as well as on thecontent of trace elements and their radial distribution in the soils under consideration are discussed.The data obtained indicate the accumulation of most trace elements in the surface organogenic andhumus-accumulative horizons of soils, which is associated with both the heterogeneity of soil-formingrocks and the influence of soil processes that cause the accumulative redistribution of elements and theirdeposition on organo-sorption and carbonate geochemical barriers. It is shown that the studied soilsdiffer not only in the absolute values of trace elements involved in the biological cycle, but also in theintensity of their involvement in biogenic migration.

About authors
Yu. N. Krasnoshchekov
Affiliation: Sukachev Institute of Forest SB RAS – Separate subdivision of FRC KSC SB RAS
Address: Akademgorodok, 50/28, Krasnoyarsk, 660036 Russia

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